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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to join MOMS Club Tokyo?


Any mom who is at-home full time, works part-time or works out of their home and lives in Tokyo and Kanagawa is welcome to join us

Why should I join?


Most moms join the MOMS Club because they are looking for a playgroup or other activities for their children. You will find that and so much more. You will find support, friendship, resources, and fun. Some moms have met their best friends through the club. Others have met their neighbors whom they wouldn't have otherwise met. The great thing about the MOMS Club is that you can make it what you want it to be.  Participate at a level that is comfortable to you. Some moms only attend playgroups.  Others attend every possible activity, while the rest fall somewhere in between.

Do I have to have young children to become a member?


No.  We are a support group for all mothers who have made the decision to stay at home to raise their children.  We know that as your children grow you will still need support.  So, no matter what age your children are, if you are at-home, you are welcome to join us.

How much are the dues?


Dues are 3500 YEN/year.  If the dues are a hardship for your family, please talk to our Membership Vice-President about having them waived.

What are the dues used for?


Our dues cover the costs for speakers, copies, craft supplies, paper goods, room rentals, dues to International MOMS Club®, babysitting/childcare at our monthly meetings, etc.  We are a non-profit organization and use the dues only to sustain the club

Are there any other costs?


We know the income sacrifice at-home moms make, so we attempt to limit additional expenses to our members.  However, there may be entrance fees for some activities

How do I join?


It’s easy!  Prospective members can attend two open events or general meetings before deciding to join.  Click here to contact membership

I’m really eager to join, but I’ve already missed the general meeting for this month.  Is there another open event I can attend before the next one?


Probably!  Email membership to find out what else we’re doing this month.  We usually have at least one open event each week.

I have a friend who is a member, can I go with her to an event?


As long as it is an open event or monthly meeting and you live in the areas stated above, you are welcome to attend.  Due to liability issues and for the safety of our members, we do not allow non-members to attend any functions in members’ homes.

What is an open event?


Open events are events held in public places.  For the safety of our members, only registered members can attend events at members’ houses.

I’m not a mother yet, but I will be soon.  Can I still join?


Of course!  We’d love to meet you as soon as you’d like to meet us.

How will I find out about activities?


We publish a monthly newsletter and have a business meeting each month.  Also, invitations are distributed for the bigger events via Evite.  If you don’t have access to a computer or email, we will make sure you are contacted via phone or postal mail.

Am I obligated to attend a minimum number of events each month?


No, but as with anything, the more of yourself and your children you put into this club, the more you will get out of it.

I’m not an at-home mom, can I still join?


We do have some moms who work part-time.  Since our activities and events are tailored to support at-home moms and are scheduled during daylight hours, full-time working moms find they are not usually able to fully benefit from the club.  There are other resources for working moms, such as, which might be a better fit for you.  (Note:  MOMS Club is not affiliated with and neither endorses nor supports

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